Alex - Web-Portal Solutions For Mixed-Use Developments

Mixed-Use Developments are a kind of urban development type that blends multiple uses, such as residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, or entertainment, into one space where those functions are to some degree physically and functionally integrated, and provides pedestrian connections. Reinforce the power of connection by giving your Mixed-Use Development the communication tools necessary to strengthen local business relations and further improve the amazing qualities of your community. Unlock the hidden potentials of your development by increasing the overall value and security you provide to local businesses and residents with a MyHOA Web-Portal.


A Voice For Residents

A Web-Portal Platform provides a unified space for content sharing and information dissemination for your residents. Your users can create a unique profile within your Web-Portal platform and are able to Access Key Features And Tools. By giving your residents an online presence (or voice) their opinions are able to be heard by local businesses and property managers, and it Provides Them With A Place To Better Connect With Their Mixed-Use Community.

Microphone overlooking a room with chairs and local governing officials
A team sitting together coming up with ways to connect with their community

Communication Tools

The Key To A Successful And Healthy Mixed-Use Community Is Effective Communication. The Communication modules we offer include Live Chat, Live Video Meetings, Blogs, Media Gallery, Media Library, Groups (for committees and more), Events, Docsign, Nearby, Pet Registry, Community Newsfeed, and more. We provide your Mixed-Use Development with the tools needed to create and execute a Good Communication Strategy to promote Healthy Communication channels within your community.


Local Business Relations

Develop Strong Relationships With Local Business Entities by delivering them a platform to engage with community members. They can create an account and access key features to promote their business such as posting special sales or promotions on the Community Newsfeed, and creating online or in-person Events and inviting local residents. Maximize The Value Your Local Businesses Receive From Joining Your Mixed-Use Development by providing features that drive in sales.

Local Business woman accessing her web-portal to promote a special sale
Community Manager protecting its residents and tenants

Community Safety

Help Improve The Security Of Your Mixed-Use Development by working together to preserve community safety. Often there is no way to communicate with neighbors about security issues, and the community is lacking in enforceable rules. The main thing that keeps you from taking control of your Mixed-Use Community and eliminating vandalism, burglary, and other community-based crime is proactive communications towards all the tenants within your community through real-time notifications. Thus Providing a safer and more secure environment.


Real-Time Notifications

MyHOA Web-Portals can be offered as a Website or a Mobile Web App Allowing For Information On The Go. Report community emergencies, send invites or updates to community Events and Groups, or Live Chat with residents directly from your mobile device. Keep Your Residents Engaged and up-to-date on all relative information with Announcements and Notifications to Stay Informed on matters concerning your Mixed-Use Development, No Matter Where You Are.

Woman checking notifications on phone while at breakfast with friends

Act now to receive our Limited-Time Promotion: Pay the first three months of hosting in advance, and your set-up costs are FREE.

