
September 21, 2023

Strengthen Your Community Security with License Plate Recognition (LPR) Cameras

In today's ever-changing world, ensuring the safety and security of our communities has become an utmost priority. Therefore, in order to protect our neighborhoods effectively, communities and homeowner’s associations (HOAs) must rethink traditional security measures and explore innovative solutions. License Plate Recognition (LPR) cameras have emerged as a powerful tool in this regard, revolutionizing community security and providing invaluable support to law enforcement agencies.

Recently, we've observed growing dissatisfaction among communities with their existing License Plate Recognition (LPR) equipment providers. Homeowners associations are tired of paying high annual renewal fees for LPR cameras they don't own, and being frustrated by delays in accessing footage. MyHOA.Tech is here to change that.

If you're a homeowner association board member or property manager who is frustrated with your current security provider, you're not alone. Many HOAs are facing the same challenges, and MyHOA.Tech is here to help.

Let's dive into the story of a concerned community member in search of a security solution to enhance their community's existing LPR setup, a journey that led them to discover the perfect solution offered by MyHOA.Tech.

Customer's Dilemma

Customer's Dilemma:

A customer was facing a significant security challenge. Their community had previously invested in License Plate Readers (LPRs) to capture vehicle tag numbers. One at each of the entrance and exit points totaling four cameras, but they were considering canceling their existing security system. Sounds strange, right? “Canceling their security system.” Well, that's exactly what they would have to do with their current provider. Unfortunately, many HOAs today are falling victim to the latest trend for LPR companies. They make you sign a contract locking you in for the year, as part of a subscription model. At $2,500 per camera per year, with a one-time installation fee of $150-$650 per camera, this HOA had paid close to $32,000 in just three years for four cameras!

Not only were they paying way too much for their cameras (that they didn't even own!), trying to recover footage from the company when an incident occurred was always a headache and prevented them from receiving the necessary help from law enforcement.

It was clear that recent incidents had raised doubts about the effectiveness of their current security measures, leaving residents feeling vulnerable.

The Solution:

The Customer decided to explore alternative security solutions that could better serve their community's needs. They reached out to a security solutions provider at MyHOA.Tech to discuss potential options. We were quick to respond, understanding the urgency of the situation.

The Proposal

The Proposal:

MyHOA.Tech specializes in advanced security solutions, including cutting-edge AI-powered LPR cameras. These intelligent cameras can distinguish between regular motion alerts and actual security incidents, significantly reducing false alarms.

One key feature of our solution was the ability to send real-time alerts and notifications directly to the HOA in the event of a certified incident. This proactive approach ensures that the community is promptly informed and can respond swiftly to any security threats. Plus the HOA will always have access to their live feed, recorded footage, and tag information through the Webpliance.Tech website or Webpliance Module in their MyHOA Community portal.

Webpliance Module

Also, because the customer already has existing MyHOA.Tech CCTV cameras, they are able to integrate the LPRs to their current system with minimal expenses. Providing their community with a holistic approach to their security efforts.

The Site Visit:

Recognizing that every location is unique, We proposed a site visit to the Customer's community. This visit would allow the team to determine optimal camera positions, evaluate power access points, and assess whether solar-powered solutions might be necessary. We were committed to tailoring the security system to fit the community's specific requirements.

The Outcome:

The Customer was impressed with the comprehensive approach offered by MyHOA.Tech. They agreed to the site visit, which took place promptly. After evaluating the community's needs, MyHOA.Tech provided a detailed proposal and cost breakdown by the agreed-upon deadline.

The community ultimately decided to invest in the advanced LPR cameras provided by MyHOA.Tech, recognizing the value they could bring in terms of enhanced security, real-time alerts, and peace of mind for residents. Importantly, the decision to purchase the cameras meant that the community now owned their security equipment outright, eliminating ongoing annual renewal fees. This ownership arrangement brought significant financial relief to the community and added to their overall satisfaction.


This Customer's story highlights the significant impact that License Plate Recognition (LPR) cameras can have on community security. In an era where traditional security measures may fall short, innovative solutions like LPR cameras offer a proactive and effective way to protect our neighborhoods.

If you're considering enhancing your community's security, it's worth exploring the possibilities that modern technology can offer. Advanced security solutions, such as LPR cameras, provide the peace of mind and protection that communities deserve. Just don’t be that HOA that pays too much for the same camera every year. Buy it once and own it.

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Technology Solutions for managed and self managed communities

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  • Author: John J


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